Aspeq is an international group of companies specialising in leading edge assessment services for regulatory and awarding agencies

We started out by delivering aviation industry examinations and assessments in New Zealand and the Pacific islands in 1992, and expanded to provide our services globally.

Diversification into the transport, building and finance sectors was a natural progression, and our services have been used in:

  • Professional driver exams for the New Zealand Transport Agency
  • Building industry licensing assessments for the New Zealand Department of Building and Housing
  • Examination and workplace assessment for the New Zealand and Australian Financial Services industries

We are also providing assessment services for the New Zealand Institute of Directors, NZ Midwives Council and Fire and Emergency New Zealand.

At Aspeq, customer satisfaction and continuous improvement are central to everything we do – we have Guardian Independent Certification to Quality Standard ISO 9001:2015.

We also closely follow the Code of Practice ISO 23988 for the use of information technology in assessment delivery. We recognise that information security is of paramount importance to all our customers and are certified with Information Security Standard ISO 27001:2013.

Our Team

Our team of over 200 full time and part time staff work out of New Zealand, Australia and the United Kingdom. Many of the team have been with us for over 10 years and collectively have vast  knowledge and experience of assessment services.

Meet our management team

Corporate Information

Aspeq Limited is the New Zealand based holding company for the following family of operating companies, registered in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.

Aviation Services Limited administers and delivers exams and practical assessments in New Zealand under delegation from the New Zealand Civil Aviation Authority (NZCAA), for aviation related licenses ranging from private and professional pilots to aircraft maintenance engineers. It also manages the delivery of exam services to the aviation authorities of Macau and Singapore. The company is located in Lower Hutt, Wellington and delivers examinations in over 40 locations in New Zealand and internationally.

Assessment Services Pty Limited is an Australian company located in Canberra, Australia. It provides aircrew exam services at over 40 locations across Australia for the Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA).

Assessment Systems Limited provides examination and workplace assessment services to the building, construction and financial services industries on behalf of a number of regulatory agencies in New Zealand. The company is located in Lower Hutt, Wellington.

Aspeq Limited (UK registered) provides assessment systems, management and regulatory assessment services to the UK and European markets, and is located in London.

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