Innovation in Aviation Award

Aspeq CEO, Bruce Heesterman, was pleased to receive an award on behalf of the company at the recent Aviation NZ Gala Dinner held during the Annual Aviation Leadership Conference in Hamilton on the 25th of July 2017.

The Richard Pearse Trophy for Innovation in the NZ Aviation Industry was awarded to Aspeq for our continued high quality of service provided through our assessment products. This year’s theme for the conference was ‘Improving Performance’, and this is what we aim to do every day. We continue to develop new and improve existing software to ensure our products are meeting our client’s needs. In this modern world, we need to be adaptable to the ever-evolving industries and to achieve this we need to be innovative.

Bruce, who attended the event with colleagues Bob Brownlie, Gordon Alexander and Brendon Bourne, stated “It was a proud moment in our 26th year as a business”.

The Innovation Award is one of three awards presented on the night, along with an individual award and a company award. “These awards recognise outstanding contributions to the development of aviation in New Zealand and are an important part of celebrating our success as an industry,” said Aviation NZ Chief Executive John Nicholson.

Also refer to ‘’ for a press release from Aviation NZ.

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