First Online Midwifery Registration Exam Launched

The Midwifery Council and the team at Aspeq were extremely pleased to launch the first online Midwifery Registration exam on Monday 2nd December.

There were just under 70 recent graduates from around the country who sat their registration exam on the day, which if passed means that they are now able to proceed with the registration process in order to begin utilising their valuable skills and knowledge and start to work in their communities.

This year was the first time that graduates could sit their exam at one of Aspeq’s 23 venues around the North and South islands, which for some meant that their exam was a lot closer to home and therefore much easier to get to.

In order for these exams to be digitalised, Aspeq assisted the Midwifery Council with reviewing and moving their entire question bank onto our Quadrant exam delivery system.

Having a computer exam means that results have been issued out to the candidates many weeks earlier than previously, which also means the newly registered Midwives are able to commence practice much quicker.

As the Midwifery Council and Aspeq progress with their collaboration, the aim is to allow for graduates to be able to sit whenever they meet the requirements the Council set to become a registered midwife (ie on completion of their degree). Before now, if a graduate did not complete these requirements just before one of the three set dates, or failed the exam by a small margin, they would need to potentially wait months until the next paper exam sitting. While the numbers in these categories are small, this refinement in process means that delays can be minimised before successful candidates are able to start practising. This also assists with ongoing calls to increase the number of midwives nationally to help meet the needs of the public.

The Council are responsible for ensuring that NZ’s midwives who are providing care for our pregnant woman are fit and competent and meet the required standards. The Council’s call to utilise Aspeq’s online exam and question bank management services means they will be able to improve the robustness of their exam for the future while also ensuring their high-quality graduates are getting out into the workforce as quickly as possible.

We look forward to continuing to assist the Midwifery Council going into the future.

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