Greenstone Doors Charity Partnership

We are very excited to have launched our new partnership with the Lower Hutt-based charity, Greenstone Doors, where we will be sponsoring their launch of a new support program called ‘Great Fathers’.

Here at Aspeq, even though our work takes us around the world, we’ve always believed in helping our local community. We decided we wanted to commit to helping a local charity whose values aligned with ours and once we started to gather ideas, we came across an awesome organisation who are literally only a few doors down from our Lower Hutt office – it seemed like it was meant to be!

Greenstone Doors was created in 2014 and their aim is to support people through times of change, difficult decisions, and uncertainty in their lives. They advise they are “A safe place to talk” and their core services include free pregnancy tests, free baby clothing packs, access to support networks, help with grief and loss, counselling services, and support groups.

Among these support group sessions, they already have programs in place for mothers who deal with anxiety, teen parents, and inter-cultural playgroups to help bring people together.

We have committed to supporting Greenstone Doors for three years and decided to provide support for a specific program for at least the first year. The program for fathers is an idea that Greenstone Doors has been wanting to commence for some time but were simply lacking the funding -and now it can become a reality!  The program is dedicated to supporting fathers (either new or experienced) who may feel they are struggling in any aspect of family life. The program will run for 10 weeks and will help 10 to 12 fathers during this time.

Aspeq has also pledged to help fundraise and to volunteer their time to assist Greenstone Doors where they can – even if it is just buying a coffee from their new café area where all profit goes towards their general upkeep.

Aspeq is proud to support a charity doing amazing work for the people of the Hutt Valley who need help and can’t wait to hear how their new program goes.

To learn more about Greenstone Doors and their services, please head to

Aspeq CEO Bruce Heesterman cutting the celebratory morning tea 'Green Velvet' cake with Greenstone Doors Manager Wendy Hill.

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