Midwife Registration Assessment Moving Online

Aspeq Limited is delighted to be assisting the Midwifery Council of New Zealand in streamlining their registration examination process by moving their current paper-based exam online.

From December this year, midwives around the country who have completed their degree programmes and who wish to become registered in New Zealand (a requirement to practise) will be sitting their exam online for the first time via Aspeq’s network of locations and their Quadrant assessment delivery software.

Dr Sue Calvert, Midwifery Council’s Deputy Registrar, advises “the move to an online platform allows the Council to develop flexibility in its exam scheduling. We are reassured that the exam will remain a robust assessment prior to entry to the register of midwives and that there is potential to further develop and enhance this”.

To become registered in the high-demand profession, midwives must sit a three-hour paper exam of 180 multichoice questions and must receive a mark over 70% to pass.  This involves printing out hundreds of papers each year and sending them to the tertiary education provider, then sending them back for marking. From December, the Midwifery Council and their potential midwives will now be able to benefit from the complete end-to-end service that Aspeq offers, paper-free, fast, and secure.

Aspeq’s CEO, Bruce Heesterman, advises; “It’s awesome to be able to work with this essential group of professionals and implement a solution that enables qualified midwives to enter the workforce as rapidly as possible”. 

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