Aspeq has the knowledge and experience to help your organisation navigate the finer details of assessment and licensing.

We can provide a complete solution customised to your needs, or help with a particular part of your assessment or licensing system.

Our experienced team can advise your organisation on

  • Secure online registration, booking and payment services
  • High stakes examination delivery services
  • Customised question banks and exam content
  • Purpose-built exam facilities
  • Online results management and candidate support
  • Managing candidate identity and other venue security issues
  • Establishing and managing subject matter expert and assessor networks
  • Training and documentation for assessment and licensing operations
  • Data conversion and online data exchange interfaces
  • Assessment and licensing process mentoring
  • Project managing assessment and licensing system implementation

For assessment consulting services contact

Duncan Macgregor

Business Development Manager

Europe, Africa & Middle East

P: +44 770 841 0639

Send email

Mike Lynskey

Director Business Development

Asia - Pacific

P: +64 4 916 2059

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